Sewing2gether All Nations: Caring, Creating, Connecting
is a grass roots community-based organisation providing sewing and creative upcycling workshops, language cafe, life skill training and practical support to refugees and asylum seekers who wish to practise English and build new friendships, with an aim to improve the health and wellbeing of the families we engage with.
“They have created a safe space where I have felt respected, heard, loved and cared for.”- Group member
Caring Community
• Based in Paisley, welcoming members from across Renfrewshire and Glasgow
• Fostering friendships and helping to rebuild lives
• Encouraging engagement with other group members
and the wider community

Conversational English
• Weekly Conversational Café and well-being Library
• Building confidence in literacy & language ability
• Online chat group

Care Packages
• Distributing donations of clothing, household goods and other essential items
• Reimbursing participants travel expenses
• Access to Mossvale Food Store
• Responding to data and period poverty

Creative Skills
• Textile upcycling sewing workshops, promoting zero waste
• Providing fortnightly creative skills workshops
• Skill sharing and volunteering opportunities
• Intergenerational activities and events

Advocacy & Signposting
• Support with personal statements, form filling, money matters, CVs, preparation for interviews and appointments
• Travel Empowerment Programme and advancing other essential life skills
• Referral to other agencies and services